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The project NADIA includes the following activities:

  • verification of noise near the main roads (in the Province of Genoa and Savona) and the city center (City of Vicenza), estimates of the population exposed and noise mapping;
  • identification of critical areas with particular attention to sensitive sites (schools, nursing homes, hospitals, etc.);
  • definition of the action plan through a participatory process with key stakeholders in the territory and of national level;
  • implementation of pilot sanitation interventions (installation of barriers, laying of asphalt soundproofing, soundproof windows, high-performance school buildings ...);
  • providing information moments (technical seminars, lectures at schools, etc.) and dissemination of documents on methodological aspects and of general interest.

Life Province of Genoa Province of Savona Town of Vicenza Town of Prato CIRIAF

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